Good Luck Spells For Gambling

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Good Luck Spell for Winning Money, Gambling, and/or Investing. This spell is for Good luck with winning money, gambling and/or investing. Perform this spell when the Moon is waxing and before you gamble, enter a contest for money or make a new investment. It is best performed when the Moon is in Taurus. Take a green taper candle and a pin.

This spell is for Good luck with winning money, gambling and/or investing.

Perform this spell when the Moon is waxing and before you gamble, enter a contest for money or make a new investment. It is best performed when the Moon is in Taurus.

Take a green taper candle and a pin. Scratch the words “I Am the Money Winner” onto the candle. Anoint the candle with 7 drops of myrrh and 7 drops of rosemary oil. Do not blow out the candle – let it burn all the way down.

Now cast your circle: light a white candle and walk slowly round the circle to cleanse its energy.

Then walk widdershins (counter-clockwise) and whisk negative energies out of the circle with your besom or a branch (one that has fallen naturally and still has live shoots on it). Walk deosil (clockwise), waving burning sage to reinforce the Fire and Air energies.

Banish bad luck

Add a few pinches of salt to the water then walk deosil around the circle, sprinkling the water on it to reinforce Earth and Water energies.

Walk to the East of the circle and say:

Welcome, Wind – you blow to me my good fortune.

Walk to the North of the circle and say:

Welcome, Earth – you ground me in wise choices.

Walk to the South of the circle and say:

Welcome, Fire – your flame lights my way.

Walk to the West of the circle and say:

Welcome, Water – you flow my abundance easily to me.

Welcome, Elements, to my Circle of Light!

Banish Bad Luck

Call upon Abudantia, Roman Goddess of luck, abundance and prosperity:

Abudantia, I call thee, before I cast the die.
Shine on me your light, so Chance favors me now.
Guide my hand and instinct until the perfect moment comes.
Let great money flow to me, like a perfect tree that grows.

So Mote it Be.

Lastly, create a chamomile solution with powdered chamomile flower and unscented oil. Rub this onto your hands before you gamble or begin any new investment.

For added potency to this spell, wear an amulet, such as the Native American Thunderbird symbol, a four-leaf clover, or an Aladdin’s lamp. Rub the amulet before you gamble or make your investment.

Remember always to key into the Goddess within and listen to your gut instincts as they instruct you on what contests or investments to trust and which to leave behind.

Have you ever won money? Do you think you manifested your win?

Read: Spell to Dissolve Your Debts

Get the Ability to Create Your Own Destiny and Get What You Want Instantly! I’m talking about the Power to Create or Destroy What Ever You Want to… As You See Fit! Develop real magick power.

Spells for Good Luck & Money Spells Cast for Winning and Gambling. Powerful Good Luck Spells and Money Magic Spell Castings to Attract Good Luck and Good Fortune. Lottery Spells and Magic Spell Castings to Win and Attract Good Luck and Good Fortune.

  • Luck Spells, Gambling Spells, Money Spells etc. ALL use Powerful 'Attraction Energies'
  • Good Luck Spells are effective when trying to Win More Money or Bring Good Fortune.
  • We offer Safe, Effective and Private 'Attract Good Luck' Morphic Money Spells.
  • All 'Attract Good Luck' Castings are Guaranteed to improve your Luck or Good Fortune.

Free Good Luck Spells For Gambling

Money Spells We Cast For You

Our New & Effective 'Attract Good Luck & Good Fortune' Morphic Money Spell Casting is a very potent Spell Casting if you are looking to infuse yourself with powerful 'POSITIVE ATTRACTION ENERGIES' that bring very good luck, good fortune and overall success.


As we mention on our Money Spells section, certain people are born with these amazing energies. These people radiate P.A.E. or Positive Attraction Energies and rarely know it.

More then likely you know of a person who always seems to win or succeed at everything they do. No matter what they try for they seem to get with little or know effort. It has NOTHING to do with intelligence, looks, attitude or skill.

Think back and you will most certainly recall several people who fit this description to the letter. Perhaps it was a close family member or perhaps a friend. Who gets these Positive Attraction Energies is as random as who gets a certain level of intelligence. Nature simply dispenses the right amount where it seems fit. Regardless, it rarely seems fair.

Certain people just seem to ALWAYS get their way in life.

The same is true for the opposite end of the spectrum. Certain people NEVER seem to win. Regardless of training, effort, skill, ambition etc. certain people have very little or no P.A.E. (positive attraction energies)

These Money Spells or 'Positive Attraction Energies' Can be Temporarily Summoned or Eliminated as well!

If it sounds far fetched we want you to think about this or even TRY this and see for yourself. Have you ever gambled money that you weren't supposed to? Have you ever tried to win your bill money or try to gamble and win money that you absolutely HAD to have for a bill, rent etc? Here is what happens when you HAVE to win and you have the mindset encumbered with worry or panick...


The GOOD news is, is these 'Positive Attraction Energies' can be obtained via a Morphic Spell Castings or our

Good Luck Money Spells


Money Spells, Luck Spells, Wealth Spells etc, are terms we use to explain what these amazing energies are and what they can do for you.

All of our Money Spells, Love Spells, Custom Castings etc. are based on the 'Morphic Energy' principle and use Morphic Energies to Infuse YOU or anyone you request with the desired P.O.E. or 'Positive Attraction Energies' via one of our many Morphic Money Spells.

Our Attract Good Luck and Good Fortune Money Spell Casting is:

Safe - Natural - Private - Guaranteed - Effective

Below is our Powerful Attract Good Luck & Attract Good Fortune Money Spell Casting


Morphic Spell Casting to Increase Wealth, Success, Luck and overall Fortune

This powerful and effective Luck Spell Casting is a favorite among clients that like to increase their luck and overall good fortune.

This amazing Morphic Money Spell Casting uses powerful PAE or Powerful Attraction Energies to infuse you with nothing but the best Luck and Good fortune attraction Spell Energies.


If you are down on your luck and need a boost or you simply want to be even more luckier, this 'Attract Good Luck and Attract Good Fortune' Money Spell casting is perfect. Most people like Good Luck Spells or Spell Castings for Good Fortune and Good Luck to help them either win more, become more successful, attract money and success or simply to have more fun.

Whatever positive reason you may have for wanting to increase your Good Luck or Good Fortune this Good Luck Spell Casting will magnify your intentions with Powerful Morphic Spell Energies that attract only the BEST possible things into your life.



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Good Luck Spells For Gambling

Click Below to See The Rest Of Our Money Spells & Luck Spell Castings!



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Free Good Luck Spells For Gambling

'Our Good Luck Spells and Spells to Attract Fortune are used by clients to help win, succeed, find work, attract money and much more. Basic PAE energies are infused into you to create a new and powerful luck like never before. If you are naturally Lucky and win a lot, this Good Luck Spell can make things much better! If you need help winning, this Good Luck Spell is perfect to help change things for good as the Good Luck Energies last years. We hope you try one of our Attract Good Luck Spell Castings and change your luck for the best.' --Master Samuel Taylor and the Extreme Spells Circle